Where are You (part 2)

     When King Leroy took over the continent of Antarctica, he encountered a huge problem: penguin locomotion was incredibly inefficient.

     Penguins would travel kilometer after kilometer after kilometer for days upon days upon days; yet, in the end, they would only end up slightly displaced from the originally starting location. This was especially problematic for King Leroy, as he was planning on moving substantial amounts of various penguin populations away from the Antarctic coast (where they naturally reside) to mine coal near the south pole.

     But to make this economically viable, King Leroy needed to ensure efficient movement of penguins so he didn't unecessarily use too much krill resources for feeding the penguins.

     So after much consultation with his advisors, King Leroy, the sovereign monarch of the 7th continent atop the globe, decided to make roads. Roads that went in a straight line.

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